Operation Resource Arizona is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Donations made to our organization are greatly appreciated and (bonus) are tax deductible. Donated funds are never used to pay any of our board members. We use funds to support our military/veteran and first responder community; with minimal funds used for basic operating costs (website and pamphlet costs).

Donate to Operation Resource Arizona today.

Tax ID: 87-4306662

Service Dog Donations

ORA partners with trusted organizations/businesses that provide excellent service dog training and education. Donations are used to assist in acquiring a dog, training the dog and educating the owner on ADA regulations.


Operation Resource Arizona teamed up with Operation 22 - PTSD Awareness, the American Legion Department of Arizona, and Arizona Goldens, LLC to fund the training of two service dogs. These dogs will be trained for PTSD, physical tasks and stability.

(Pictured) Alvin and his puppy are incredibly grateful for the funding from Operation 22-PTSD Awareness on behalf of ORA. This veteran is able to train his dog to be the best service dog possible.

You can also make contributions directly to the specific programs we support below.


Operation 22-

PTSD Awareness

The mission is to increase awareness through music events and to raise funds to be distributed to the community organizations that provide assistance to Southern Arizona Military, Veterans, First Responders and Victims of Violent Crimes suffering from PTSD, Anxiety, Depression and Suicidal Ideations.

Music Therapy Program Helps Relieve PTSD Symptoms

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a debilitating mental health condition that is prevalent among combat Veterans. There are a number of treatment options for PTSD including psychotherapy, medication management, as well as alternative self-management approaches. Music therapy is one alternative self-management technique that showed positive results in a small pilot study.

Results showed a positive benefit in relieving PTSD symptoms as a result of the intervention. In addition, findings suggest that the music therapy was effective in reducing depression symptoms and improving health-related quality of life. Investigators are developing a multi-center study to test if their findings are generalizable to a larger and more diverse group of Veterans. 

Chateau Recovery

Since 2012, Chateau Recovery has helped thousands of people to overcome mental health, behavioral, and substance use challenges. At Chateau Recovery, you will learn how to turn your challenges into opportunities for lasting and fulfilling personal growth.


Heroes on Horses Program

Therapeutic Riding of Tucson's Heroes on Horses is specifically designed to address the needs of veterans and first responders of ALL abilities in our community.

Heroes can participate in this program FREE of cost thanks to donors like you! Heroes are NEVER asked to pay!!

The Veteran Mentor Project

The mission of the Veteran Mentor Project, Inc. is to enhance military veterans & first responder veterans’ transition from service to civilian life in order to reduce stress, provide resources & education to improve their quality of life.

VMP partnered with Salute 2 Suit to provide veterans and first responders the attire they need to get back into civilian life and be successful. Donations made to this program will cover the cost of those suits.